Learn about the impact of the BLOCK Project for Residents and Hosts.
Learn about the history and progress of The BLOCK Project!
Trim Tab / A Place to Be: Building Community to End Homelessness
Seattle Magazine / How Backyard Cottages Could Help Seattle’s Homeless Problem
Seattle Times / Backyards can serve as close-to-home getaways, or shelter for neighbors
Gray Magazine / Yes, in my backyard
NBC Online / Homeless? Come live in my backyard
Crosscut / A new place for Seattle’s homeless: In my backyard
KUOW with Bill Radke / Would you build a tiny home in your backyard for a homeless person?
Pacific Northwest Magazine / Backyards can serve as close-to-home getaways, or shelter for neighbors
Zillow Porchlight / The BLOCK Project
KNKX / Seattle Group Wants To Build Tiny Houses In Backyards For Homeless
King 5 / BLOCK project to build homes for homeless
Homeland Lab / Jenn LaFreniere and Rex Holhbein of The Block Project
Seattle Channel / Citizen University TV: Case Study - The BLOCK Project